Immigration and Refugees

Leaving an unacceptable environment (voting with your feet) is the most fundamental of human rights. Each Matchish Locality must therefore accept as many immigrants and refugees as possible without significantly impacting the quality of life of the existing residents.

Immigrants shall have the Standard Adult set of Credentials prior to entering the Locality, or be held in secure facilities if it is not possible to train and qualify them in their country of origin. Citizenship shall be granted immediately for accepted Credentialed individuals.

Because Matchism will provide The People with uniquely peaceful and prosperous communities, Matchish Localities will be in high demand as destinations for immigrants and refugees. As has been shown with immigration into most countries, and especially the US, those who emigrate to seek a better life are typically the most capable individuals and have the best chance of succeeding under Matchism. Therefore migration into the Globality shall be encouraged to the greatest extent possible without overburdening any Locality. The GRF will facilitate this process, especially in cases where large numbers of individuals arrive as the result of natural or human-caused disasters in their country of origin.

The ability to assimilate is a key factor in the success of immigrants and to minimize the friction between them and the native population. Acquiring the Standard Adult Set of Credentials must therefore be a requirement to become a citizen in a Matchist Locality. To facilitate this it essential that the educational and testing systems used to acquire them be made available globally so that potential immigrants (or refugees) can prepare in advance. It should up to each individual immigrant to chose their destination Locality, but of course there is a natural incentive to choose Localities with the most similar customs and language to make acquiring the necessary credentials easier.

It is important for existing residents of a Locality to keep in mind that in many cases immigration into a Locality will be temporary: As individuals are trained to use Matchism and The System there will naturally be a strong desire to make these available in their country of origin where friends or family members will in most cases continue to reside, and to return once Matchism has been adopted there. Facilitating immigration will therefore be a primary marketing tool for Matchism.

Next: Crime and Punishment